2nd Portuguese Presbyterian Church of Springfield, IL
Gochanour, Eileen
975.8 AUST-2
30,638 Burials in Georgia
Austin, Jeannette Holland
976.8 LUCA-1
35,000 Tenn. Marr. Records & Bonds 1783-1870, Vol. 1 a - F
Lucas, Rev. Silas E. & Sheffield, E. L.
976.8 LUCA-2
35,000 Tenn. Marr. Records & Bonds 1783-1870, Vol. 2, g - n
Lucas, Rev. Silas E. & Sheffield, E. L.
976.8 LUCA-3
35,000 Tenn. Marr. Records & Bonds 1783-1870, vol. 3 O - z
Lucas, Rev. Silas E. & Sheffield, E. L.
975.5 WEAV-3
45th Battalion Virginia Infanatry Smith and Count's Battalions of Partisan Rangers
Weaver, Jeffrey C.
929.2 MCGU
49er Irish-One Irish Family in the California Mines-McGuire Family
Calhoon, F.D.
943 MUNK
600 Sabre Hagenburg 1378-1978
Munk, Heinrich
974.7 BOWM-4
7,000 Hudson-Mohawk Valley (N Y) Vital Records, 1808-1850
Bowman, Fred Q.
975.735 PURS
7500 Marriages from Ninety-Six & Abbeville District, S. C. 1774-1890
Pursley, Larry E.
975.4 TURN
7th West Virginia Cavalry
Turner, Ronald Ray
929.1 CLUN
A Family Affair
Clunies, Sandra Maclean
929.2 NIEK
A Family Portrait
Niekamp, Thomas F.
976.7 MSDC
A History of the Mansfield School District Area
Mansfield School District Area
973.2 PTAK
A Passage in Time: The Ships that Brought our Ancestors
Ptak, Diane Snyder
929.1 EVANS
A To Zax: Glossary Of Terminology For Genealogists & Social Historians
Evans, Barbara Jean
979.173 SKIN
A. P. Skinner's Phoenix City Directory 1903
Skinner, A.P.
975.735 LANG
Abbeville County Marriages 1780-1879
Langdon, Barbara R.
975.735 LUCA
Abbeville District of S. Carolina Marriages, 1777-1852
Lucas, Rev. S. Emmett
025 SPER
Abbreviations & Acronyms
Sperry, Kip
973.3 HATC-1
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots Vol. 1 a- d
Hatcher, Patricia Law
973.3 HATC-2
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots, Vol. 2 e- k
Hatcher, Patricia Law
973.3 HATC-3
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots, Vol. 3 l- r
Hatcher, Patricia Law
973.3 HATC-4
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots, Vol. 4 s- z
Hatcher, Patricia Law
977.198 GRAH-1
Abstract Of Probate Records Washington County, Ohio
Graham, Bernice & Elizabeth S. Cottle
974.8 SCOT
Abstracts from Ben Franklins Pennsylvania Gazetrte, 1728-1748
Scott, Kenneth
974.8 SCOT-5
Abstracts from the Pennsylvania Gazette 1748-1755
Scott, Kenneth
975.5675 WHIT
Abstracts Of Bedford County, Virginia, Will Book 2, With Inventories And..
Whitten, Joida
974.816 MART
Abstracts of Berks County Pennsylvania Wills 1752-1785
Martin, Jacob and John P. Smith
974.816 MART-2
Abstracts of Berks County Pennsylvania Wills 1785-1800
Martin, Jacob & John P. Smith
974.816 MART-1
Abstracts of Berks County Pennsylvania Wills 1800-1825
Martin, Jacob & John P. Smith
975.5692 ADAM-1
Abstracts Of Deed Books III & IV Of Henry County, Virginia
Adams, Lela C.
975.5692 ADAM-2
Abstracts Of Deed Books V & VI Henry County, Virginia
Oct 1792 thru Dec 1805
Adams, Lela C.
975.6 HOFM-6
Abstracts of Deeds Edgecombe Precint, Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1732-1758: As Found In Halifax County, North Caroline Public Registry Deed Books 1-6
Margaret M. Hofmann
974.9 BROW
Abstracts Of Divisions Of Warren & Sussex Co. Estates Filed At Sussex Co. Courthouse, Newton, Nj From 1789-1918
Brown, Virginia Alleman
976.9 KING
Abstracts Of Early Kentucky Wills & Inventories
King, Estelle Stewart
975.5275 GOTT-3
Abstracts Of Fauquier County, Virginia: Wills, Inventories, And Accounts, 1759-1800
Gott, John K.
974.815 WRIG-6
Abstracts of Lancaster County Pennsylvania Wills 1732-1785
Wright, F. Edward
974.815 WRIG-7
Abstracts of Lancaster County Pennsylvania Wills 1786-1820
Wright, F. Edward
974.8 WEVO-1
Abstracts of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Deed Records (Books N-Q) Deeds Recorded 1770-1789
Wevodau, Edward N.
974.8 WEVO-2
Abstracts of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Deed Records (Books R, S, T, U) Deeds Recorded 1774-1789 Volume 2
Wevodau, Edward N.
974.815 WEVO
Abstracts of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Wills 1821-1830
Wevodau, Edward N.
975.5 KAYL
Abstracts Of Land Grant Surveys, 1761-1791
Kaylor, Peter Cline
975.5465 CHAP
Abstracts Of Louisa County Virginia Will Books 1743-1801
Chappelear, Nancy and Kate Binford Hatch
975.6 GRIM
Abstracts Of North Carolina Wills 1663 - 1760
Grimes, J. Bryan
975.735 YOUN
Abstracts Of Old Ninety Six And Abbeville District Wills And Bonds: As On File In The Abbeville, South Carolina, Courthouse
Willie Pauline Young (Compiler)
975.5695 ADAM-1
Abstracts Of Order Book O Patrick County Virginia June 1791 August 1800
Adams, Lela C.
974.931 BROW
Abstracts of Partitions & Divisions of Estates Filed at Essex Co. Court House 1793-1831
Brown, Virginia Allemon
974.811 WRIG-1
Abstracts of Philadelphia County Wills 1682-1726
Wright, F. Edward
974.811 WRIG-2
Abstracts of Philadelphia County Wills 1726-1747
Wright, F. Edward
974.811 WRIG-3
Abstracts of Philadelphia County Wills 1748-1763
Wright, F. Edward
974.811 WRIG-4
Abstracts of Philadelphia County Wills 1763-1784
Wright, F. Edward
975.5665 ADAM
Abstracts of Pittsylvania County Virginia Wills 1767-1820
Adams, Lela C.
975.7 MOOR-1
Abstracts of Records of Secretary of the Province of South Carolina, 1692-1721
Moore, Caroline T.
974.25 HULS
Abstracts of Strafford County, New Hampshire, Inferior Court Records 1773-1783
Hulslander, Laura Penny
976.8984 MCIV
Abstracts of the Deeds of Carter County, tennessee 1796-1825
McIver, Mary
976.732 PERS
Abstracts of Will Book "B" Pope County Arkansas 1860-1910
Persis Lovely Chapter, NSSDAR
975.671 LINN-1
Abstracts of Wills & Estate Records of Rowan County, NC, 1753-1805 & Tax Lists, 1759-1778
Linn, Jo White
975.6 JONE
Abstracts of Wills & Other Records, Currituck & Dare Counties, North Carolina, 1663-1850
Jones, Gordon C.
975.5291 KING
Abstracts of Wills and Inventories, Fairfax County, Virginia, 1742-1801
King, Junie E.
975.7 MOOR-5
Abstracts of Wills of Charleston District, South Carolina, 1783-1800
Moore, Caroline T.
975.5615 REYN
Abstracts of Wills of Cumberland County, Va, Will Books 1&2, 1749-1782
Reynolds, Katherine
975.7 MOOR-2
Abstracts of Wills of the State of South Carolina, 1670-1740
Moore, Caroline T.
975.7 MOOR-3
Abstracts of Wills of the State of South Carolina, 1740-1760
Moore, Caroline T.
975.7 MOOR-4
Abstracts of Wills of the State of South Carolina, 1760-1784
Moore, Caroline T.
975.6142 WHIT
Abstracts of Wills Pasquotank County, North Carolina 1752-1824
White, Lori Higley
975.6565 SHIE
Abstracts of Wills Recorded in Orange Co., NC 1752-1800,1800-1850 and 202 Marriages not shown in Orange County Marriage book
Shields, Ruth Herndon
975.8724 LAFA
Abstracts of Wills, Chatham Co., Georgia 1773-1817
LaFar, Mabel F.
975.528 KING
Abstracts of Wills, Inventories, and Administration Accounts of Loudoun..County, Virginia 1757-1800
King, J. Estelle Stewart
974.841 WRIG
Abstracts of York County Pennsylvania Wills 1749-1819
Wright, F. Edward
975.522 LEE
Abstracts, Lancaster County, Virginia, Wills, 1653-1800
Lee, Ida Johnson
975.648 HOFM-4
Abstracts: Granville Grantees Halifax County, North Carolina Public Registry 1749-1763 Vol. IV
Margaret M Hofmann
971 JEHN
Acadian Descendants
Jehn, Janet
943 HALL
Across the Atlantic and Beyond, The Migration of German and Swiss Immigrants to America
Haller, Charles R.
975.251 BOWI
Across the Years in Prince Georges County
Bowie, Effie Gwynn
929.1 KLUN
Action Guide to Adoption Search
Klunder, Virgil L.
976.9675 RESE
Adair County Kentucky Marriages 1801-1850
976.9675 LAWS
Adair County, Kentucky 1810-1840 Censuses
Lawson. Rowena
976.9675 CLAR
Adair County, KY, Directory of Genealogical Records
Clark, Donna K.
929.2 FICK
Adam and Susan Fickas, Their Descendants and Allied Families
Fickas Freeman, Viva
974.842 WRIG
Adams County Church Records of the 18th Century
Wright, F. Edward, compiler
929.2 ADAM
Adams Family
Adams, James Truslow
943 THOD
Address Book for Germanic Genealogy Fourth edition
Thode, Ernest
975.5 DORM-2
Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia 1607-1624/5, Fourth Edition, Volume 2, G- P
Dorman, John Frederick
975.5 DORM-3
Adventurers Of Purse And Person, Virginia 1607-1624/5, Fourth Edition, Volume 3, R- Z
Dorman, John Frederick
975.5 DORM-1
Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5, Fourth Edition, Volume 1 A- F
Dorman, John Frederick
979.453 ELCA-1
Aerie El Camino High School Year Book 1959
El Camino High School, CA
979.453 ELCA-2
Aerie El Camino High School Year Book 1962
El Camino High School, CA
975.271 PAGA
African American News in the Baltimore Sun 1870-1927
Pagan, Margaret D.
025 HINE
African Americans, A Concise History
Hine, Darlene Clark, William C. Hine, & Stanley Harrold
979.43 TIME
African- Americans of the Yuba- Sutter Area, California
The Times of Yuba-Sutter
973.7 LOWA
Against Slavery, An Abolitionist Reader
Lowance, Mason
973 AFS
Air Force Association Members Retired from the Armed Services, Official Directory
Air Force Association
973 AFSA
Air Force Sergeants Association 2006 Directory of Members
Air Force Sergeants Association
976 JACO
Alabama And Mississippi Connections
Jacobson, Judy
976.1 AUST
Alabama Bible Records
Austin, Jeannette Holland
976.165 GAND
Alabama Records, Vol 28, Cherokee Co. Lawsuits, Bible rec Will of Wm Gray, List of Legislators 1837-70
Gandrud, Pauline Jones
976.1 GAND-2
Alabama Records, Vol. 1, Madison County Volume 22, Lawrence County, Marriages, Wills, Estates
Gandrud, Pauline Jones
976.192 GAND-1
Alabama Records, Vol. 66, Lawrence County Deeds, 1850 Census, Newspaper Extracts, 1812 Pension
Gandrud, Pauline Jones
976.192 GAND-2
Alabama Records, Vol. 89, Lawrence County Tombstone Inscriptions, Rev. Pensions, Lawsuits, Miscellaneous